5 Ad Types To Make Right Now

Happy Thursday! Yep, you read that right – a quick midweek issue coming your way. Our two-day shoot this week has been nothing short of invigorating, and it nudged me to share some creative nuggets with you.

A big focus for us right now is creative diversity. I’ve written about it a bunch before. Instead of finding one winning style, you need to find multiple winning formats and concepts. That being said, here are 5 concepts you should try

  1. ASMR with Headline:
    Sometimes simple works, and you can get a little hacky with this one. ASRM works if you have an appealing product. Sometimes just a short ASMR video with some copy overlay and maybe a good customer quote can work well.
  2. Negative UGC (User Generated Content) Review:
    Users are pretty savvy to the positive, "I'm obsessed" style of UGC now and it doesn't hold much merit. You have to get more creative. When I see an ad that starts with "Why I love this product", I skip it because I already know what it's going to say. When I see an ad that starts with "Did I just waste my money" or "Why people are hating this product", I'm like woah where is this going? The trick is to morph it into something positive that actually sells your product instead of being clickbait.
  3. Catalog Ads:
    AKA or formerly known as DPA ads. These use machine learning to deliver the right products to the right person and should be tested in most ad accounts. A clean catalog setup is a must. You can also do some really cool things with creativity to make them more engaging and increase the clickthrough rate. We are starting to work with Marpipe and really excited for the combinations we can create.
  4. Studio + UGC Mashup:
    While everyone is debating what is better between UGC or studio quality, why not do both? I'd say most of our top spending ads have been a mashup of both types. I guess it feels a bit authentic while keeping the credibility of higher-end production. Also a great way to repurpose assets and get more bang for your buck.
  5. Podcast Ads:
    These ones are pretty cool. They look like content, so they stop people. There's also some credibility built into them, just don't abuse it. I've seen them crush if done correctly. Adtok has just launched a new creative production offering with podcast-style ads you should try. They are flying their professional team out to Miami to shoot these style of ads at several different podcast setups. Adtok has been making ads for Obvi which have become their best performers and have reduced CPA by as much as 45%. Check out some more details here and book your call here before spots fill up. Sponsored.

Alright, wanted to keep this short and sweet but just got inspired by being on set making some ad magic. Talk to you soon!


  1. Listen to my Podcast with Eli Weiss called Down To Chat
  2. Get 1 On 1 Help On Mentorpass
  3. Try My Favorite Landing Page Replo

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Cody Plofker

Hey, I’m Cody. I'm CMO of a 9 figure DTC brand and write a weekly newsletter with actionable marketing advice to make you a better marketer in 5 minutes a week.

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