
Cody Plofker

Try This Style Of Ad On Meta

Published 3 months ago • 5 min read

Hello, happy Monday, fellow marketers. I hope everybody's having a good long weekend. I usually send updates on Sundays, but on a long weekend, Monday feels like a Sunday, so here it is. Today, I want to talk about a specific style of ad that I want to name "Did You Know? Ads.

When it comes to Meta ads, I believe you should be creating ads at all places in the funnel. You want to have some ads that are top of the funnel and intended to reach new people. You want to have some that are middle of the funnel and intended to get people considering your product. Then, you also want some ads that are purely intended for people who likely already know of you and are just to seal the deal. I think that's true whether you run dedicated retargeting campaigns or not because you're retargeting whether you want to be or not, but that's a subject for another day.

I think a lot of times people don't think enough about the level of awareness of their prospects and what is the right messaging in the hook and in the general angle that's going to resonate best with them. I find people resort to straight selling on social too much, which doesn't always work best.

We are in a very competitive and what Eugene Schwartz from 'Breakthrough Advertising' would call a sophisticated market. Consumers in our market are very savvy. They have been marketed to many times over many years, so the same claims will not work on them, and one-up claims will not work on them. One-up claims are when brands say their products are better, which is not what you want to do.

Instead, what you need to do is provide why you are different, and instead of just selling your product, you need to convince somebody that they will be successful and get their dream outcome after using your product in spite of their flaws. The thing is, it has as much if not more to do with them as it is you. People have baggage and insecurities after previous failed attempts, and you need to help people feel confident in their next move in spite of them. One way that I think you can do that is with education, but it has to be done correctly. There's a very fine line between being just educational and actually using education to persuade as a direct response mechanism, and that's what I want to talk about today.

You do this with the Unique Mechanism. There's probably a better definition, but here is mine. The unique mechanism is essentially the defining feature of your product, how that is different from others, and how that feature actually allows the end user to realize the benefit and get the value in a way that is more effective than everything they have tried before.

I want to give you an example. Fitness is a very saturated, competitive, and sophisticated market. You can't just come out and tell people that something will help them lose fat faster because it's better. That is like 5 minute abs and 6 minute abs, you don't want to claim to be better, quicker, or just shout louder.

That just doesn't work because people have heard those claims. They have been sold to before, they have tried, and they have been let down. They have not lost weight from certain things, and there are so many different solutions that are coming to them and saying, 'Hey, this is what you need to do to lose weight.' They are very skeptical because they've tried before, and they don't want to get let down because it reflects poorly on their confidence.

What you need to do in order to get somebody over that barrier is to allow them to believe and make them feel confident that they would achieve the results with your product even if they aren't perfect. P90x is an amazing example of this. Instead of telling somebody, "You're going to have to work out harder," or 'You're going to have to do all this and that" they just made up a new unique mechanism and called it Muscle Confusion, and that is all you need to do.

That allows the prospect or the person to say, "Hey, I don't actually have to work harder. I don't have to be better. I don't need better genetics. I just need to do this one thing." The unique mechanism is one of those classic direct response principles where you're using the feature of the product to actually help somebody realize they can be successful and have confidence that your solution would be the right solution to help them reach their end desire, in spite of their past attempts and baggage.

So how do we put this into practice? Enter the Did You Know Ad.

A 'Did You Know Ad' is an ad that has a lot of education and forces you to learn something. They're educational, but also persuasive. The content is memorable and forces a viewer to remember it and say "Did you know that...." to a friend of colleague. The big idea is memorable, educational, and gives them an aha moment. It introduces the problem, agitates it, and explains it in a way that just makes sense.

I want to give you a few examples of 'Did You Know Ads.'

I came up with this idea when I saw a really good LMNT ad. Instead of just selling the product, they educated me in a way that made me say to my wife "did you know that when you wake up, you need more than water?" . The ad went on to explain how dehydrated you can be in the morning, and why water alone is not enough. Of course what you need is an electrolyte blend, which LMNT is. Instead of just coming out and selling LMNT, this ad educated and persuaded me. It resonated so much that I remembered it and felt compelled to share it with others.

TLDR is don't just sell in all of your ads. Find your unique mechanism, create problem-focused hooks that are relevant to your prospect's stage of awareness, and straddle the line between education and persuasion so your prospect's can articulate why they need your solution. Give it a try, and let me know if you have any questions or feedback. I hope this helps. Have a great short week, and I'll talk to you next week.

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Cody Plofker

Hey, I’m Cody. I'm CMO of a 9 figure DTC brand and write a weekly newsletter with actionable marketing advice to make you a better marketer in 5 minutes a week.

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