
Cody Plofker

Website and Landing Page Optimization Tips

Published 3 months ago • 3 min read

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! Whether you're watching tonight for football, the commercials, or Taylor I hope you enjoy it. Trying to get this out beforehand so you have time to read it beforehand.

I talk about ads a lot, but I also spend a lot of time focused on web and landing page optimization, so let's talk about that today. Before we get going, today's issue is brought to you by Shoplift. Shoplift is the only AB testing tool built for Shopify. We personally use it, and love it! I've been looking for a tool like this for a while; cost-effective, great ux for marketers, and easy to test without a developer. Check out Shoplift here and get a free month when you mention you came from my newsletter. Sponsored.

I'll keep this bullet list style, as those usually get the best feedback.

Find The Right Landing Page Type For Your Brand

The sad part is, there are no guarantees. What works for one brand could flop for another. We've tested a lot and have found the right types of landing pages for us, and you need to do the same. In fact, we even have different types of pages that perform best on different products. So you really never know until you test. I would run a multivariate test using your best ads to a PDP, collections page, homepage, listicle, advertorial, and a product lander. You never know what will work.

Find The Right Funnel For Your Brand

It's not just the landing page, you also need to test what happens after the landing page. For us, we have found that running to a quiz after a landing page performs best for most of our hero products. We found going straight from lander to checkout was the worst option for us; and going to PDP second worst. You have to test; but do not assume anything. A shorter funnel with less friction is not always best.

Speed Is Everything

You want to do everything you can to make your website and landing pages fast. The faster, the better. That is another reason I like Shoplift. It's the fastest and most performant testing too I have used. We've done a bunch of work to do so; and it's always helped. Recently, we've started working with and it's really sped our site up. It's loading about a second faster already. We're going to run a proper test with Meta to see the ROI impact, and will report back. But anecdotally, it's been great and has made a huge difference.

Prioritize Your Tests By Impact and Lift

You want to do a combo of bigger, larger lift tests. They can have an outsized impact, but they often require design and sometimes dev. You also want to test a lot of smaller, lower lift tests that you can run quickly. A larger lift test can be a completely new page, or new section. We have a few new page concepts we are going to test soon for our paid funnels. We're also going to be testing a new cart design, and that has taken nearly a month to design and load up. In the meantime, we've been able to launch a bunch of simple tests with Shoplift and have been able to find a few winning tests. Headline tests on your home page, or landing pages require no design and can make a huge difference. We just ran one on our WTF landing page and found a nice little impact that will make us 6 figures over the course of the year. It took us less than 5 minutes to set up in Shoplift, which was awesome.

Testing different kinds of social proof above the fold can really help, and can easily be done in Shoplift as well.

Partner Of The Week - If you want your ads to convert better, you need to be able to produce not only a lot of creatives, but high-quality ones. You also need them going to high-converting landing pages too. Very few in house teams have the bandwidth to do it all, which is why it makes sense to hire someone who specializes. Meet Superside. Superside is the leading creative subscription service for fast growing, ambitious brands. Picture them as an extension of your team. What I like about them is you don't have to trade off between fast and high quality.You get it all with Superside. Ads, landing pages, and more; they'll take care of it so you don't have to hire too many people internally. They work with over 450 of the top brands you know like Webflow, Shopify, and Reddit. Try Superside today

Hope this was valuable, I love landing pages and CRO so please reply if you want me to go deeper on any one area. Have a great time watching the game.


  1. Listen to my Podcast with Eli Weiss called Down To Chat
  2. Get 1 On 1 Help On Mentorpass
  3. Try My Favorite Landing Page Replo

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Cody Plofker

Hey, I’m Cody. I'm CMO of a 9 figure DTC brand and write a weekly newsletter with actionable marketing advice to make you a better marketer in 5 minutes a week.

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